Love, Joy, Peace...

Our Ministries

Sunday Morning Community Worship and Sunday School

The Baltimore Church of God of Prophecy encourages Sunday morning worshiping of God as a community of believers. This is a ministry to the people of Baltimore and beyond the city limits via Zoom.

Sunday morning gathering is the one time every week when family, friends, and individuals meet as a community to hear from God through the teaching and preaching of His word and to respond to Him in worship.

This gathering is in response to the scripture (Heb 10:24-25, Ps 111:1, Acts 2:42, Col 3:16). It serves as our main avenue for helping people to strengthen their personal walk with Christ, develop their spirituality, and to grow their faith in God - He who is able to help us to stand strong amidst life challenges.

Sunday morning service includes one hour of Sunday School where we interactively teach the word of God. This helps us to better understand the scriptures so that we can use it to build our faith in Christ.

After Sunday school, we engage in worship, which typically involves  singing songs of praise and adoration to God, prayer, reading the Scripture, sharing testimonies, listening to the  sermon, having communion, and giving our gifts to support the ministry of the local church.  After service, people may gather informally to socialize and strengthen personal bonds.

Sunday morning gathering is like chicken soup for the soul. We invite you to join us to find strength for your life. Also, if your calling is in teaching, singing, audio visual support or helping in any area related to Sunday Morning worship, we would love to hear from you. Feel free to send an email to the pastor expressing your willing to serve. We will work with you.

Bible Study

The Baltimore Church of God of Prophecy promotes fervent Bible study as a way to learn  about God, build faith in Christ, and apply Biblical principles to the solution of many of life's problems.  Bible Study is also seen as a way of equipping people for evangelism and other work in the church. 

Since the Covid19 pandemic, we have been meeting online via Zoom to conduct Bible Studies. We have found Zoom to be a convenient for Bible study.  Bible studies are highly interactive. Everyone is encouraged to read ahead and participate in the discussions.  We encourage you to attend Bible studies to find strength for your life and to share your insights into the scriptures with others.

Cell Groups

Cell groups are the most basic unit of our congregation.  These groups provide an environment for small numbers of people to join with each another to edify and strengthen themselves through reading the Word, prayer, and open discussions relating to all aspects of Christianity.  Cell groups contribute to christian growth and maturity because they provide a high level of openness and accountability as well a loving environment for each Christian to grow in the faith. 

Cell groups are also important for evangelism. Group members are encouraged to invite friends and acquaintances to these meetings with the intention of helping then to also develop a close relationship with the LORD.

The Baltimore Church of God of Prophecy encourages its members to engage in personal evangelism as the main way of sharing their faith with others. The latest evangelism effort is being organized an initiative called "Evangelism Hour".  For evangelism hour, members are encouraged to set aside at least one hour each week to engage in personal evangelism. Activities can include:

  • In-person meet up with others to share the gospel
  • Telephone conversations
  • Sending text messages
  • Sending email messages
  • Engaging in social media posts or responses to posts using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.